If urine is supposed to be waste produced by our body, why does drinking water cause us to have to pee, when the “waste” components of urine (urea, etc) don’t come from the water we drank? From where are these components drawn?


If urine is supposed to be waste produced by our body, why does drinking water cause us to have to pee, when the “waste” components of urine (urea, etc) don’t come from the water we drank? From where are these components drawn?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Urine contains waste, but it’s better to think of it as a transport fluid to flush that waste. The waste products are by-products of all the other digestive and metabolic processes in the body … they’re transported in the blood from throughout the body to the kidneys, where the waste products are filtered and flushed into the bladder.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water lubricates the body it goes throughout your digestive system and helps deliver oxygen it works into blood ,Blood transports the waste eventually to kidneys which filters the waste product that eventually get sent to your bladder and turned to urine passes, through your urethra.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We pee when we drink a lot water because we have sensors in our brains that sense when our blood is diluted, which makes us get rid of water more liberally in our kidneys and make us pee a larger volume. This is why your pee turns clear, there is more water and the same amount of waste so the waste is dulluted. Kidney is not just for waste elimination, it controls our body fluids and blood pressure.

Stuff like alcohol and coffee make us pee because they directly act on the kidney and make them get rid of water even though there isnt extra water in the body. Things that make you pee are called diuretics.