If Vocal Chords are unique,how is it possible to exactly imitate another Persons Voice?


If Vocal Chords are unique,how is it possible to exactly imitate another Persons Voice?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

you have a pencil and i have a different pencil. one may be shorter or longer and the lead may be sharpened to a thin point on one, while the other is dull.

using the exact same pressure and angle, i could never draw the same drawing. but by altering which angle i use the lead, i can produce identical lines, and with some effort, by stringing those lines together, with some practice, i can make the same exact drawing, even though our pencils are unique.

some pencils could never make lines as thin as my pencil, so they couldn’t imitate my drawing. this is the same for vocal chords – some people have a range that’s too deep or too high to immitate someone on the far other end of the spectrum.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is also important that the mannerisms of a speaker can be imitated, which contributes to identification by creating an effect of perceptual psychology.