if water conducts electricity, why does a lightening strike in the middle of the ocean not kill those people standing in the same water beside a beach not get fried?


if water conducts electricity, why does a lightening strike in the middle of the ocean not kill those people standing in the same water beside a beach not get fried?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electricity is a form of energy just like heat.

Imagine putting a glowing hot piece of iron into a bucket of water.
All the water would boil instantly.

Now imagine putting that same hot iron into the ocean.
There would be some bubbling right where you put it, but a bit further away, you wouldn’t notice a thing.

The energy moves through all the water drops it touches, so when it hits multiple drops of water at the same time, the energy is divided between those.
After a few divides, there is barely any energy left.

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