If we are attacked by germs all the time, why there are still thousands of deaths from food poisoning ?


What makes those special cases “special”, is there some germs that kill us while all the others are harmless ?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Quantity. The inside and outside of your body benefits from a certain level of germs. You get sick when there are too many or too few. Dead food (unplugged plants and dead animals) have no immune system themselves so germs can reach great numbers unopposed on food. Food gives germs a place to build their numbers up. When germs are few and touch the inside (eating) or outside (skin contact) of our body they are easy for our immune system to fight, but when germs come in such large numbers, it is difficult for the body to fight them off. Your body evolved to recognize that a faster way to deal with germs is to push the food back out (puking) or to flush them through the body quickly like with excess water (watery poop).

That is the best-case scenario. Factor in any events that weaken your immune system and even puking or pooping may not be good enough. What germs did stick to your tummy are still too many for your body to fight off, so they reproduce in your tummy’s walls then ride to other parts of your body.

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