if we are the brain, why cant we control our body fully?

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Im wondering that if we are the brain why we cant control things like pain and our immune system.

In: Biology

21 Answers

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You aren’t your brain. You’re in your brain. You are an emergent property of your brain. You’re the result of the signals in your brain, but not the brain itself. You’re the software, the brain is the hardware. This is most evident with anesthesia, where we can turn you off without turning you brain off. You have some manual control, but not a lot. Your body is a big bag of self-propagating chemistry, and a lot of that needs to be on auto-pilot. Breathing, heartbeat, digestion, kidney function, skin growth… Being able to stop your own heart would be a bad feature. If you had to do all the things manually that your body does on its own, you’d have no time to be you, you’d be too busy managing youself.

Also, your immune system is kinda doing it’s own thing in you. Your central nervous system has no way to control it voluntarily. In fact, neuronal tissue is forbidden territory for your immune system. They do communicate and share some info, but are pretty independant of each other.

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