If we are trying to get rid of carbon, why is it worse to put plastic in landfill than recycle it?


Wouldn’t it be better to bury as much of it deep underground as possible and seal it off?

edit – I should add that I do reuse and recycle, and I use as little plastic as I can afford to in the first place. I am just curious about this aspect

In: Earth Science

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[It’s not, and your misgivings are correct.](https://criticalscience.medium.com/climate-action-sources-for-recycling-d0ab09e85a8a) Plastic is more expensive to recycle than to manufacture new, so our “recyclable” plastic waste is overwhelmingly sent to developing countries without the infrastructure to produce it themselves. Unfortunately, only a fraction of what goes in the recycling is recoverable, so the rest becomes garbage anyway – and these countries have much poorer waste management systems than the United States. Instead of a landfill, much of this plastic will get burned in rubbish heaps or dumped into the ocean.

Aluminum should absolutely be recycled. Other scrap metal is probably better off recycled as well. [**But if you live in a first-world country, it is usually more eco-friendly to send plastic to the landfill.**](https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/jxrjmv/recycling_much_more_than_you_needed_to_know/)

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