If we are trying to get rid of carbon, why is it worse to put plastic in landfill than recycle it?


Wouldn’t it be better to bury as much of it deep underground as possible and seal it off?

edit – I should add that I do reuse and recycle, and I use as little plastic as I can afford to in the first place. I am just curious about this aspect

In: Earth Science

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two different concepts going on. One is carbon sequestration, where we’re trying to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it away to it doesn’t contribute to global warming/climate change. This is important to protect our current population/civilization from the side effects of climate change.

The other concept is sustainability/reuse; if we’re constantly draining our oil reserves to make new products and then burning/burying our old products, we will run out of oil to make new products. Reducing the amount of products used or finding ways to recycle/reuse them is important in trying to make sure that the resources we have can last for longer. This is a more long-term goal, so that we can continue living on the planet for longer, at least until we can colonize another planet. If we use most of the resources we have, there might be wars fought over the remaining resources, or we might run out and die off.

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