If we sit long enough at the toilet, how is it possible that we are able to pee again the 2nd or 3rd time?


I’m a woman (so not sure if men experience this too) and sometimes I just pee the 1st time and sit there and browse on my phone. But then I am able to try again and have small bursts of pee the 2nd time. Sometimes if I wait a few minutes more, I can pee a bit the 3rd time! Once a nurse told me to empty my bladder for an ultrasound but specifically instructed me to wait a few mins to pee the 2nd time to make sure my bladder is for sure empty.

Why can’t our bladder empty out on the first try?

In: 22

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The kidneys are constantly filtering your blood. Something like 190 liters per day. They’re kind of a greedy organ. Most of that water gets reabsorbed, but some of it is excreted as urine. If you sit on the toilet long enough, your kidneys send more urine to your bladder. Also, the bladder typically has some retained urine, even if you think you’ve completely voided all the urine. Something like 50 mL could be left in the bladder. It has to do with the muscles involved with voiding the bladder.

Edit: fixed 190 mL to 190 liters per day.

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