If we sit long enough at the toilet, how is it possible that we are able to pee again the 2nd or 3rd time?


I’m a woman (so not sure if men experience this too) and sometimes I just pee the 1st time and sit there and browse on my phone. But then I am able to try again and have small bursts of pee the 2nd time. Sometimes if I wait a few minutes more, I can pee a bit the 3rd time! Once a nurse told me to empty my bladder for an ultrasound but specifically instructed me to wait a few mins to pee the 2nd time to make sure my bladder is for sure empty.

Why can’t our bladder empty out on the first try?

In: 22

5 Answers

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Some urine is being processed in the kidneys – that could drain down and put more urine in the bladder so you can pee.

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