If we store more fat after fasting, then is that why we eat vegetables?


I heard that if you don’t eat for a week, and then if you start to eat, your body will store more fat because it thinks that food is getting scarce, therefore fasting is not a reliable way of losing weight.
But if we eat Dietary Fiber vegetables (food that we cannot fully process) instead of literally starving ourselves, then does the body say “oh look, the stomach is full, therefore no need for storing fat” ?
Does this mean that if i make my diet 70% vegetables and 30% soup, will i start to lose weight?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body can’t store more fat unless you eat more calories than you burn. This is the concept that people have trouble with because generally speaking, people suck at counting calories.

Also even if you do put on more fat after the fast is over, unless you go back to eating as much as you did pre-fast, you will still have less total fat than before

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