If you are too weak to do a pull-up, but instead hang from a bar and pull regardless, are you making any progress? Also why do most exercises need to be full reps to “count”?


If you are too weak to do a pull-up, but instead hang from a bar and pull regardless, are you making any progress? Also why do most exercises need to be full reps to “count”?


7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As it’s been said before, basically any exercise is better than nothing, but for people who can’t do a single pull-up, weight assisted machines and negative pull-ups are great!

Now for the second part that hasn’t been addressed, basically you want full reps because it works your muscle all the way through, and usually the extreme positions (fully extended or fully contracted) are the weakest, where you’ll challenge your muscles the most.

Also, there is a concept of time under tension : the longer it is, the better (up to a point of course…) so going full range also increases your time under tension.

Some exercises such as the squat require a minimal range of motion (typically parallel to the ground) to prevent damage to the knees. Good habit to go full range!

Lastly full reps are the best way to measure progress. If you’re doing half reps and cheat reps, it’s harder to tell weather you’re actually getting stronger, or just cheating more

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