If you are too weak to do a pull-up, but instead hang from a bar and pull regardless, are you making any progress? Also why do most exercises need to be full reps to “count”?


If you are too weak to do a pull-up, but instead hang from a bar and pull regardless, are you making any progress? Also why do most exercises need to be full reps to “count”?


7 Answers

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Are you making any progress, yes, sort of. A pull up involves many different muscles that fire in sequence to move you upwards. By getting part of the way up, you’re getting partially through the sequence, and therefore only strengthening those muscles that you’re engaging until you fail to lift yourself farther up. Eventually, those muscles should get strong enough to be able to provide enough force to make the rest of the sequence easier, as you have more momentum. If one is too weak to do a pull up, the best thing to do is to buy a band which you put your knee or foot through that allows you to place some weight on it. Then, you can work the entire group of muscles needed in the correct and full order, and eventually lose the band. Your other question is similar. The reason it doesn’t count is that it’s not working the entire muscle group that the activity is supposed to work. However, it can still be productive to a lesser degree.

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