If You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great parents, so if you go back 40 generations you’d have a supposed 1 Trillion ancestors, But only 100B humans have ever existed. Explain.


If You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great parents, so if you go back 40 generations you’d have a supposed 1 Trillion ancestors, But only 100B humans have ever existed. Explain.

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is not a requirement for all those ancestors to be different people.

The extreme case is if your partner was siblings then you only have 2 grandparents, not 4. I am not saying that siblings having children is or where common just that is the most extreme example to show that your ancestors in different paths can be the same person.

If you go back to your ancestral tree the different branches will merge and different points. So you a great great great grandparent on your mother side might be in your farther ancestral tree at that level.

There might be someone that live 2000 years ago you can find is you ancestor along 100 diffrent paths,

So all humans are realted to all othe human is a complex mesh.

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