If you spin in a zero gravity / space capsule, will you get dizzy?


If you spin in a zero gravity / space capsule, will you get dizzy?

In: 51

21 Answers

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Probably more dizzy.

Zero G means that your inner ear is already experiencing a situation it was not used to or designed for.

Spinning will introduce movement into the fluid in your inner ear that make it signal your brain with even more unusual stimuli.

Be prepared to puke.

>The “Vomit Comet” refers to a NASA program that introduces astronauts to the feeling of zero-gravity spaceflight.

>Recruits climb aboard a specially fitted aircraft that dips and climbs through the air to simulate the feeling of weightlessness in 20- to 25-second intervals.

>The downside? The sudden changes make a lot of astronauts feel ill. Very, very ill. Hence the tongue-in-cheek name.

source – https://www.livescience.com/29182-what-is-the-vomit-comet.html

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