In a time where manufacturing took way more time than it does now, why were antiques so opulent and detailed?


Simple things like scissors made to look like a bird’s beak, embroidered everything, scrolling details on metal spoons and clawed feet on furniture… tiny buttons, fancy thimbles! Why so many details for every little thing? Might be a silly question, sorry.

In: Technology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In 150 years from now what kinds of antiques being made today will be available for purchase?

All the garbage you can get at a dollar store will be long dumped into landfills. Heck even the kind of midrange stuff that lasts you 20 or 30 years is all going to be tossed out. My Casio wristwatch is going in the garbage at some point in the next 50 years.

But what about a Rolex? You don’t just throw that away. If you have a 50K Rolex that you just bought you are going to baby it. You are going to maintain it properly. You are going to make sure it survives. Eventually you will give it to your relatives. If it looks like a block of garbage when you do they will toss it in a drawer or chuck it sooner or later. But if it looks great, if its style stands the test of time, if there is someone out there who loves the way it looks and is willing to pay for it, then it will always have value, always be cared for, and never be thrown away.

In 150 years they will be looking at Rolex’s from today asking the same questions you are. “Why would they make watches that are so fancy!”

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