In a time where manufacturing took way more time than it does now, why were antiques so opulent and detailed?


Simple things like scissors made to look like a bird’s beak, embroidered everything, scrolling details on metal spoons and clawed feet on furniture… tiny buttons, fancy thimbles! Why so many details for every little thing? Might be a silly question, sorry.

In: Technology

10 Answers

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Because that kind of objects weren’t so popular, they were typically owned by nobles or at least rich people. Since the demand was not so high, and those people had enough money and authority, artisans working on that stuff were really trying to do their best.

Also, artisans’ skills were probably measured on those kind of tiny details. It’s not easy to embroid small things, and you still require proper artistic skills to actually “draw” a bird or a fancy shape. The reasoning was probably “anybody can make a plain white button, but only some really good artisans can make buttons with your coat arms and maybe even some writings in Latin”.

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