In CGI/animated films, is there an ‘invisible’ camera that can move around or is everything drawn on a flat surface?


Let’s take **Akira** (hand drawn anime) vs **Shrek** (CGI feature film) vs **Metal Gear Solid** (videogame cutscene).

Akira is in 2D so it’s suffice to say that everything is hand drawn and the camera angles are pre-positioned from an outline.

Akira trailer:

Shrek is a 3D feature film. When they were filming the scene where Shrek meets Donkey, could I, during post-production, spin the camera around and look behind Shrek? Is there anything past what I see on the screen? Is there anything behind Shrek and Donkey (and the rest of the characters)?

Shrek meets Donkey:

The Metal Gear Solid series are famous for their cutscenes that don’t use CGI and instead use in-game models (think of how classic Final Fantasy 7 cutscenes differed from the gameplay aesthetic). When they created these cutscenes, was it essentially a dollhouse with the dolls (the character models) moving around and the cinematographer having an invisible camera float around?

Metal Gear Solid – Snake meets Ocelot:

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

no, there is no invisible camera. films scenes are static by nature because they don’t contain any other information outside of the scene being rendered. video games have that “camera” because the game engine has the information needed to render the surrounding environment as well.

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