in computer hacking, what does it mean to get in via a back door and how does it work?


in computer hacking, what does it mean to get in via a back door and how does it work?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A backdoor is a channel used to maintain an access to a system you hacked,usually you get a backdoor with a virus or you install a “software”(ex. after you hack the system,generally the back door is a reverse shell, an interface where you can give commands, created by the hacked system so the main defenses will not trigger(the pc is configured to protect you from the outside and not from the inside),this shell will connect to your pc or to a pc you can control and from that it works simply like a normal shell,you can view files,download new software,manipulate data or hack other devices from there.
Hackers use a backdoor because the process to get a shell is long(you can hack a system in hours if it is simply but often you will take days to find a way),while connecting to a system its easier and faster(when you do a google research it will take the same amount of time more or less)

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