In computers, why do some files, even if they are the same size, take longer to be moved or deleted than others?


I noticed this when I deleted a 2 GB video file on my laptop today, which took less than 5 seconds. But when I deleted a separate folder that was smaller than 2 GB, it took way longer to get deleted.

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way files are actually saved is more like a hotel.

Each room stores a maximum amount of information. So your 2GB file may take up 20 rooms if each could hold 100 MB. When you want that video, your computer looks up where it is, and gets the data from the correct rooms. To delete that data, you don’t have to actually delete it, your computer just forgets where it put it and remembers that those rooms should be vacant and used for something else.

Your 1 GB file may contain 1,000,000 1 MB files. Each file ends up going to its own room, and the hotel remembers where they stay. To delete them, it has to do way more work to scrub the register that keeps track of everyone one.

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