In computers, why do some files, even if they are the same size, take longer to be moved or deleted than others?


I noticed this when I deleted a 2 GB video file on my laptop today, which took less than 5 seconds. But when I deleted a separate folder that was smaller than 2 GB, it took way longer to get deleted.

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The video file is one single file. So even though it’s “bigger” at 2 GB, it’s just one thing that the computer needs to pick up and drop in the recycle bin.

The folder has *many* files. Even if the folder itself is smaller than 2 GB, the computer has to figure out how many files are in there, how big they are, then basically pick up and drop off each one individually to the recycling bin.

Sort of like if you’re moving into a new place and you’ve got one bed, and then you’ve got ten boxes that don’t have too much stuff in them but they take up the same amount of space as the bed. You’ll probably get that bed into the house in one trip, but it’s going to take you multiple trips to take all those boxes in.

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