In math, what are “exploding dots?” I work with students and one of them is taking a course called Exploding Dots. I thought it sounded fun so I looked it up—I’m having trouble even understanding the concept of it, much less how it actually works.


In math, what are “exploding dots?” I work with students and one of them is taking a course called Exploding Dots. I thought it sounded fun so I looked it up—I’m having trouble even understanding the concept of it, much less how it actually works.

In: 483

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is the first I have heard of this, but to me it is a visual process of converting base-10 numbers to base-n systems.

If you ask a person what 2 is in binary, most will look at you cross-eyed. If you teach them this exploding dots, they definitely will be able to answer and understand.

Thanks for sharing!

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