In regards to gaming, what is “optimization”?


If consoles are just glorified PCs now, how is it that a game designed for PS5 or X-Box Series X alone better than one that is designed to be cross platform?

In: 19

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Games are made on a deadline. So you only have a certain amount of time to make/polish/ship the game.
2. You have a limited budget, so you only have a certain amount of people hired to complete step 1.
3. When you make the game cross-platform, you need to devote more of your limited resources (time+people) to two separate versions of the game.
4. This results in less time/effort put into optimizing the game if there are multiple versions.
5. Hardware differences matter. If you have a Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions of a game, the “One” version needs to run well off a harddrive, vs. the Series X’s SSD. These each require their own optimizations that are different, and the hard drive version will always be slower due to the slower hardware.
6. PCs have a BROAD range of hardware in them, and you have to support a lot of it, so thats a lot more complex optimizations over a Xbox Series X, which has just one configuration.

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