In regards to gaming, what is “optimization”?


If consoles are just glorified PCs now, how is it that a game designed for PS5 or X-Box Series X alone better than one that is designed to be cross platform?

In: 19

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5 oversimplification.

For example you have a excel sheet with a 10 thousand rows. you need to find a row.

You can go at from the beginning, going over each line until you find it. Or you can create an index with important data and the line number, that index is easier to go trough than the big sheet.

This is indexing, one form of optimization. Mostly done in databases, but the principle is sound, making things easier to be accessed.

Other thing is that it is hard to know “what comes next” when you are in the process of making. But when you are complete, you can “streamline” things, you know what comes next, what is happening now, so you can preload specific images, sounds and events instead of having everything loaded.

Also an example for Apple devices and Apple software or gaming consoles. If you know your hardware you can use specific language while you make your program, known that to be fast on that hardware.

Making your program run on every possible hardware gives overhead on your program, since it has to “translate” to different hardwares.

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