In regards to gaming, what is “optimization”?


If consoles are just glorified PCs now, how is it that a game designed for PS5 or X-Box Series X alone better than one that is designed to be cross platform?

In: 19

14 Answers

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In simple terms, optimization is just making things run better (faster, use less memory…).

In regards to your specific platform question, it means that the program (the game) is written to use some special feature of the hardware that one console has and another does not.

This isn’t just specific to consoles like Xbox or Playstation. There are features that Intel processors have that AMD processors do not. You could even optimize games for a specific Intel processor. But you don’t want to do that, since you don’t know what computer the game is going to be running on, so you want to make it so that it runs on as many as possible. This is referred to in software engineering as “portable code”. But if you know the game is going to be only running on this specific Xbox, you can optimize for it.

You could write the games in such a way that it’s optimized for multiple platforms, under specific circumstances. But that is a lot of work, and in some cases, would be hard to do without exposing the soource code and making the installation process *very* long.

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