In regards to gaming, what is “optimization”?


If consoles are just glorified PCs now, how is it that a game designed for PS5 or X-Box Series X alone better than one that is designed to be cross platform?

In: 19

14 Answers

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A PC is designed to do many different things from search the internet to watch movies to play games to do work. A console is designed to play games and that’s it. Modern consoles have some bonus features like watching movies, but those are afterthoughts. Thus, consoles are better suited for games because that’s their main purpose, just like a Uhaul is better suited for moving personal belongings than your average car.

Another thing that’s particularly important here is that the games themselves are developed specifically to run on the console’s hardware. This allows them to optimize for performance much more than on PC, because they know exactly what hardware they will be running on, and so they can write all of the code for their game in a way that best takes advantage of the strengths and features of that hardware. Compare this to PC games, which need to contend with such questions as: “What operating system am I running on?” “How much RAM do I have?” “Do I have access to a graphics card and what model?” It makes it way harder to design the code to run well in every possible environment.

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