In the house, why does heat set at 68 feel different than ac set on 68? It’s the same temperature but they feel very different!


In the house, why does heat set at 68 feel different than ac set on 68? It’s the same temperature but they feel very different!

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hot air rises, and most thermostats have a thermometer inside them to detect ambient room temperature.

Hot air accumulates in the upper portions of each room until it warms up the lower part of the room.

Air conditioners cool the air, but more importantly they remove humidity from the air. The air coming out of the AC is dryer, so it feels cooler on your body due to your own moisture very lightly evaporating into the dry air.

Doors and windows are generally closed when the heat is on, trapping humid air inside.

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