in the Nintendo 64 game console, why does “tilting” the cartridge cause so many weird things to happen in-game?


Watch any internet video on the subject to see an example of such strange game behavior.

Why does this happen?

EDIT: oh my this blew up didn’t it? Thanks for all the replies!

In: Technology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The only cartridge you are allowed to tilt is Superman 64. No one cares if that gets ruined. Heck, throw it out a window.

Inside of the cartridges, there are gold pins that conduct electricity (gold is highly conductive).

This electricity carries information. These gold pins force the electricity to flow in a certain direction at certain times, if they are fully connected.

But, you probably know that electricity can “jump” between two conductive points, if the current is strong enough to bridge the gap. When tilting the cartridge, you create a gap, but the electricity is still strong enough to make it across. However, the electricity doesn’t have something to control where it goes, as it has to leave the gold pin to “jump” to the console receivers. Because of this, the information can be lost or scrambled, and sometimes can flow down the wrong pin receivers. This is why you get graphical/audio errors.

This can damage the console and the cartridge, although it is unlikely as the current flowing isn’t very strong. Just know that if you are wanting to tilt a cartridge, do with knowing the risk that you may break either the cartridge, the console, or both.

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