in the Nintendo 64 game console, why does “tilting” the cartridge cause so many weird things to happen in-game?


Watch any internet video on the subject to see an example of such strange game behavior.

Why does this happen?

EDIT: oh my this blew up didn’t it? Thanks for all the replies!

In: Technology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“this is a sentence with the first letter of every word removed.”

“his s entence ith he irst etter f very ord emoved.”

by removing communication lines (letters) some words disappear, some become misspelled weirdness, and some become whole new words.

Now imagine sending the garbled second line to someone who just learned english and asking them what it means.

The computer inside the N64 will only do what it is told, but if it is told “his s entrance it he first setter f very rod moved.” we see behavior we term glitches.

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