Interfaces, classes, new keyword, behind the scenes


Hello, I’m having a hard time to understand why it works, I know it works and how it works, but I don’t really grasp the ‘behind the scenes.’

Let’s have a code for the subject’s sake:

`interface X {void wassup();}`

`class Y implements X {public Y() {System.out.println(“y”);}`

`public void wassup() {System.out.println(“wassup”);}}`

`class HelloWorld {`

`public static void main(String[] args) {`


`public static X returnInterface() {System.out.println(“Hello World”);return new Y();}}`

How and why can we return a class even though it expects an interface?

`X test = new Y();`

`Y test = new Y();`

What’s the difference? One is type of interface, one is type of class, is that all?

For the `X test = new Y();` , is ‘test’ variable a type of interface? Just like string, int or float?

So ‘test’ variable has all the features of X class has, like its variables, methods?

And does ‘test’ variable execute its features/codes/methods in the context of Y?

Does ‘new’ keyword goes and allocate memory in the ram, amount of the variable and methods contains in Y class or X interface?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

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**How and why can we return a class even though it expects an interface?**

The compiler will cast the object of type Y to the interface X. This works because you have said that class Y implements interface X. The compiler is smart enough to cast the type even if you did not ask for it.

**X test = new Y();**

**Y test = new Y();**

**What’s the difference? One is type of interface, one is type of class, is that all?**

In your first example the variable test is of type X while in the second one it is of type Y. If you had implemented additional public meathods in the class Y this would be available to anyone using the variable in the second case but not the first. That is basically the only difference.

**For the** **X test = new Y();** **, is ‘test’ variable a type of interface? Just like string, int or float?**

Yes, the variable is of type X, which is the interface.

**So ‘test’ variable has all the features of X class has, like its variables, methods?**

Exactly. All public meathods and variables in the interface is available. However when the variable is of type X you do not have access to the public methods and varables in the class Y.

**And does ‘test’ variable execute its features/codes/methods in the context of Y?**

Yes. When you call a public meathod it will get passed to the object that the varible points to and this is of type Y. So even though the variable is of type X the object within it is of type Y which is what determines what code will run.

**Does ‘new’ keyword goes and allocate memory in the ram, amount of the variable and methods contains in Y class or X interface?**

The content of the memory will be an object of class Y. There is not actually any objects of type X because this is an interface. Only variables can have type X and not the actual objects that the variables point to.

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