: Invasive Species


I read that invasive species destroy ecosystem that they are in other than their original place but how do they not destroy the ecosystem where they are from?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the ecosystem they come from has evolved with and adapted to them. It means that they have predators or other systems to keep their population in check, and likewise what they prey on has evolved to sustain itself despite their prey.

When they enter a new environment they do not face the dame resistance and so proliferate enormously and can wipe out unprepared fauna.

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I read that invasive species destroy ecosystem that they are in other than their original place but how do they not destroy the ecosystem where they are from?

In: 1

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the ecosystem they come from has evolved with and adapted to them. It means that they have predators or other systems to keep their population in check, and likewise what they prey on has evolved to sustain itself despite their prey.

When they enter a new environment they do not face the dame resistance and so proliferate enormously and can wipe out unprepared fauna.

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