Is a pregnant mother’s blood kept separate from her fetus’ blood?


I have searched online multiple times to see whether a pregnant mother’s blood and her fetus’ blood are kept separate. I’ve even looked in textbooks, and often it’s implied but never said outright and plainly in those terms.

I’ve looked online, but I’ve not yet found a reputable source that spells it out clearly.

Are a pregnant mother’s blood and her fetus’ blood kept separate? Why or why not?

In: 68

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you know the way the lungs work? Tiny little blood vessels so close to the surface of the lung that blood cells can release carbon dioxide and take in oxygen without they themselves escaping? It’s porous enough to allow the small molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through but not porous enough to allow blood cells to pass though.

Well with any pregnancy, the pregnancy will develop a temporary, detachable organ that effectively acts like a lung for the baby called the placenta. It acts like a lung with the mother’s blood being like the atmosphere you breathe in/out, passing oxygen and nutrients to the baby’s blood which flows back to the child via the umbilical cord.

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