Is all of our universe… lit? Can you be hurtling through space and accidentally fly head first into a planet because oops you didn’t have your headlights on?


Is all of our universe… lit? Can you be hurtling through space and accidentally fly head first into a planet because oops you didn’t have your headlights on?

In: Physics

13 Answers

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It is extremely unlikely for you to collide with anything in space. There is a gigantic amount nothing out there. So it’s far more likely to drift through a near empty abyss without collisions.

But in the unlikely event that you do end up heading towards a planet you don’t know about, you’d feel it’s gravity long before you hit it. So that’s a warning sign.

As for whether you can see it? Almost everything emits infrared light, so you probably have devices in your space ship that can detect that light, even if your naked eye can’t. Also if you are in a galaxy, which is where most planets are, there will be stars nearby that light it up.

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