Is electricity weightless?


The understanding is that electricity simply *passes* through a conductor pushing electrons but isn’t mass required to be able to “push”?? And while at it I wonder… Is there evidence of electricity being present in other planets? or in open space? Please ELI5

In: Physics

10 Answers

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Electricity flowing is the flow of free electrons (charged particles). In nonconductive materials, the electrons are held tightly to their atoms; for conductive materials, some electrons can pass quite easily between atoms of that material. Technically electrons do have mass. But the mass of an electron is so incredibly tiny that it’s insignificant in almost every application. The flow is created by a charge imbalance (a higher concentration of free electrons in one body than there are in another). Electricity is definitely in space and other planets, though obviously it’s not contained in wires and such. Spacecraft often have issues with static electricity buildup, and lightning has been observed on other planets.

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