Is it possible to convert one element to another element?


Not through nuclear fission or radioactive decay though.

I mean non radioactive stuff like for example magnesium to zinc.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The technical term for this is *transmutation*. It is possible, but very difficult, and it necessarily involves nuclear reactions: the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines which element it is, and changes to that are nuclear reactions by definition.

If you’re breaking a larger element down, you’re causing fission or radioactive decay; and if you’re building a larger element up, you’re causing fusion.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is. It needs a lot of Energie to archive It.
The first one were The Transformation of Gold by enriching a Partikel of lead with a Proton and a neutron.

Anonymous 0 Comments


The only way to change an atom from one element to another is through a nuclear process, either radioactive or in a high energy particle accelerator.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nope. Zinc will remain zinc forever unless some form of nuclear reaction occurs.

That said, you can make one element *act* like another one by changing how many electrons are in its outermost shell (called the valence shell). This is called ionization and it’s one of the reasons why high frequency electromagnetic radiation is so dangerous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Edward Elric here! Whatchu need?