Is it safe to flush DNS and what does it exactly do?


Is it safe to flush DNS and what does it exactly do?

In: Technology

2 Answers

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You want to call your friend. You can’t remember numbers well so you have his number written down in your contact list so that its always accessible to you, said list has his name and since that is easy to remember, you just find his name on your contacts list and it gives you his number, quick and easy.

Sometimes this goes wrong though, for some reason you are not able to reach your friend, might be because he changed his number or something without telling you.

So at this point you delete his number from your contacts list and go to facebook where you know he publishes his number. It might have changed and if so, that solves your issue. If not, its likely something else causing a problem.

The DNS cache in this case is the contacts list, the name is the domain name (thing and the phone number is the IP address your computer needs to be able to contact that website ( Facebook here represents the general DNS server system. Your computer must convert into an internet address to be able to access it, sometimes the address changes or something happens that the local copy the computer has stored on it is no longer correct. Normally the computer itself figures out that it has to ask for it again from the DNS system, but sometimes it does it, so you manually delete your local copy of the DNS on your computer so that it forces your computer to fetch the IP addresses again.

Its perfectly safe to do.

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