Is laptop2laptop or Computer2Computer file transfer through a wire/cable possible?


If yes, how? If no, why?
[Edit: Networking is not my thing and setting up computers by connecting to same network sounds complicated to me. I was more referring to a usb cable when I stated “wire/cable” and a file transfer similar to how we transfer files from a smartphone to a computer through usb cable]

In: Technology

5 Answers

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You can set up a network share on at least one of your computers. The other ones should (if configured correctly) be able to send you files and download files from you.
It gets more tricky when for example you want to just plug your laptop into a computer. There the absence of an IP negotiation (e.g. DHCP) process can make it difficult to find the other person’s IP to connect to. Though if you already have access to the other computer, you can easily find the IP via ifconfig (Linux) or ipconfig (Windows).

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