Is PGP still perfect encryption? And is it still used?


I just finished reading Simon Singh’s The Code Book, and I got the impression that PGP was basically uncrackable, and more or less always will be. However, the book was written 20 years ago, so, is this still true?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you want “perfect” encryption you best get to making yourself some One-Time Pads. These are the only known method that is unbreakable regardless of the resources you could throw at cracking an encrypted message.

But there are some major practical issues with using them for most applications we use encryption for.

Something like PGP is, as far as is currently known, effective at encrypting to a level of security that is not known to be hackable using current, or reasonably anticipated future, technology. If anyone has found a way to break it they’re not sharing their discovery.

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