Is PGP still perfect encryption? And is it still used?


I just finished reading Simon Singh’s The Code Book, and I got the impression that PGP was basically uncrackable, and more or less always will be. However, the book was written 20 years ago, so, is this still true?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The encryption itself is solid. But PGP is so hard to use correctly that almost nobody uses it nowadays (at least not for e-mail), and if they do, there’s a good chance that they’re making mistakes that mean they’re not really as protected as they think they are.

Nowadays, people tend to use e.g. Signal, which is secure *and* easy to use (and easy to use *correctly*).

PGP (or rather the open source version, GPG) is still used in some places, especially for signatures, but the original use case (e-mail) ist almost dead.

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