Is the cut-down hashrate on the new GPUs going to affect performance in usual tasks?


As far as I remember, this was created to limit mining performance. If this cut-down is not going to affect performance in usual tasks like video editing and gaming, why do GPUs have it in the first place?

In: Technology

4 Answers

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Hopefully this ends up being close enough to ELI5.

As far as I know the hashrate limiter in the rtx 3060 was made in software only. More accurately with the GPU driver. I don’t yet know how nvidia will end up implementing the same limiter in the upcoming versions of the other 3000 series cards, but my bet is that it’s still mostly done on the software side. Basically the gpu driver is detecting a specific type of computation and in such instance throttling the performance. By the way this only applies to the hashing algorithm used by ethereum. Other algorithms shouldn’t be affected.

Nvidia’s argument for the restriction is that that there would be more gpu’s available for other users (eg. gamers), as miners would gravitate towards other cards.

The more probable reason is that they will be also coming out with a miner specific line of cards. So in the end it’s about squeezing more money out consumers.

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