Is the idea of foods taking longer to digest a bad thing, and if so, why?


I’ve seen the phrase “takes longer to digest” used in a negative context when it comes to foods (i.e. fatty foods). Why isn’t that a good thing? I thought what was wrong with fast food was that it digests too quickly and you’re hungry again later. Is there something here I’m not getting, did I misunderstand what was being said, or is this another myth to muddy the waters of weight loss information?

TL;DR: Is it unhealthy or beneficial for foods to take longer to digest?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on what you want.

Rich, fatty meals can sit in your system for a long time and cause nausea, reflux and, given recent research, may even increase risk of colon cancer.

But high sugar and low fibre foods are immediately stripped into energy and cause rapid spikes in blood sugar leading to waves of hunger and hyperglycemia which can promote obesity and diabetes.

You should seek a balance of carbs, protein, fat and fibre as much as you can.

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