Is the “infinity” between numbers actually infinite?


Can numbers get so small (or so large) that there is kind of a “planck length” effect where you just can’t get any smaller? Or is it really possible to have 1.000000…(infinite)1

EDIT: I know planck length is not a mathmatical function, I just used it as an anology for “smallest thing technically mesurable,” hence the quotation marks and “kind of.”

In: 87

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: Math isn’t real. Not in the sense you are thinking of. It is a language that is a NON-PERFECT description of reality, constantly updated to match our understanding of the universe.

Say for example you found the smallest real life thing possible. Let us pretend that it is somehow a component of what we currently consider the smallest possible particle/object. We could still arbitrarily define an area as being less than the whole of that object. This is why numbers are “infinite” –the arbitrary nature of math.

Please note, I am not saying you can’t count things, or math is a lie, or anything else like that. Just that it is a language we use to describe reality.

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