Is the “infinity” between numbers actually infinite?


Can numbers get so small (or so large) that there is kind of a “planck length” effect where you just can’t get any smaller? Or is it really possible to have 1.000000…(infinite)1

EDIT: I know planck length is not a mathmatical function, I just used it as an anology for “smallest thing technically mesurable,” hence the quotation marks and “kind of.”

In: 87

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a bit confused about your question, however, yes there are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers, but what you’ve written is not a well defined thing. You can certainly pick any two numbers, like 10.1 and 10.2 and find infinitely many numbers between them by just putting more decimal points, like 10.11, 10.11, 10.111, etc.

Math is useful for approximating reality, but math can do its own thing too and not necessarily correspond to something physical.

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