is the Universe infinite or not based on today’s science.


It has been explained to me that “Space” is finite essentially because we can measure things, distance, size, speed of light, ect. Therefore, if “Space” is finite then everything else is finite.

I understand that if you have an infinite number of stars in a finite space then there would be light everywhere for example. I don’t understand why the same would be true if the universe were also infinite. Would that not sort of cancel out the infinite nature of any one object as it would have infinite space to be in.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> It has been explained to me that “Space” is finite essentially because we can measure things, distance, size, speed of light, ect.

This sentence isn’t really clear enough to tell you whether you’re wrong or not, but it’s *so* unclear that I suspect you don’t have a clear idea of what you’re trying to say.

> I understand that if you have an infinite number of stars in a finite space then there would be light everywhere for example.

Yes, if the Universe is infinite (which is likely but not certain) then the number of stars in it probably is as well, and vice-versa.

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