Is there a risk that all the “planting trees” initiatives could have an adverse effect on our environment?


While planting (trillions of) trees could help us absorb more CO2, are there real risks to this human intervention in nature’s biodiversity? Won’t our “trees of choice” be wildly different from what would grow naturally? Can we even measure/foresee the longterm impact of planting trillions of trees ourselves?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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When to many trees or plant life are over reaching, it creates hyperoxia in humans and animals.

“Prolonged exposure to higher oxygen levels at atmospheric pressure can lead to pulmonary and ocular toxicity. Symptoms of oxygen toxicity may include disorientation, respiratory problems, or myopia. Prolonged exposure to higher than normal partial pressures of oxygen can result in oxidative damage to cell membranes.”


This is a real danger to humans, life on earth in general and the earth depopulation crowd use “green house gases, global warming”, to scare humans into to thinking that the environment needs more trees, plants.

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