Is there a scientific explanation for being “talented” at something?


Like, people often use the word “talent” as in “X is very talented”. Is there a scientific explanation for being born with talent?

By talent I mean that often someone would practice 2 hours a day and be just above average, and another person could practice 20 minutes a week and is better at said activity than subject A.

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I doubt that there currently is. We don’t understand the brain well enough yet.

Obviously, someone who has practiced at something far more than others may be better at it. But as you point out, some people have to put in much less practice than others to achieve far better results. There must be something that gives their brain a superior ability to pick up that skill/knowledge.

Is there a genetic factor (or factors) at play? Almost certainly. Could there also be environmental factors? Likely yes. But I don’t think that we yet know enough about how the brain actually creates and strengthens neural pathways to pinpoint those factors.

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