Is there a specific reason why being “put on the spot” or under pressure, that makes it seemingly hard to think?


A good example would be when you’re having a conversation and someone asks what kind of music you like, and even if you’ve recently been really enjoying something, you can’t think of literally any artist ever.

In: Biology

5 Answers

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This doesn’t happen to everyone tho. DISC assessment sorts personality traits in 4 groups: dominance (red), inducement (yellow), submission (green) and compliance (blue). Personality traits in every group have something in common.

Typical for people with green personality is that they prefer being alone (or only with few people they trust), not being noticed and not having attention. Why? They consider it safe and peaceful. Once you ask them something about themselves or “put them on the spot” they feel like getting too much attention which can be considered a threat.

On the other hand people with yellow personality are exactly opposite. They **love** being “put on the spot” and talk about themselves or just talk in general. It doesn’t matter who are they talking to or what are they talking about, they just want to talk and get attention. These people hate being alone or being overlooked.

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