Is there any actual connection between plant-based milks and mammal milks? Or do they just taste similar by chance?


Is there any actual connection between plant-based milks and mammal milks? Or do they just taste similar by chance?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What we call almond milk has been around for a very long time. At least the 12th century. It was probably invented to use surplus almonds and as an alternative to dairy milk during religious events that forbid dairy.

Certainly modern day versions are more dairy like, but the origins are older.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, there is a connection, the word milk. In one case, the original use of the word, milk is what it is. In the other case, advertisers and marketers want to *sell* you something that tastes like something else, so they use the same name. It’s very similar to *selling* a vegetable as a hamburger; it doesn’t need to make sense — we live in a world where alternate truths abound!

Anonymous 0 Comments

People have made the recipe for almond/soy etc milk taste close to cow milk to mimic it. If you just ground almonds and added water it would taste like…ground almonds in water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

More like they taste similar because people try to find similar substitutes for mammal milks 🤷🏻‍♀️