Is there such a thing as a “default” human emotion, and if so do we all have the same one, or is it based on the individual?


Is there such a thing as a “default” human emotion, and if so do we all have the same one, or is it based on the individual?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Emotions are there to motivate you to do something. As a default emotion I would argue content is our default emotion but content isn’t an emotion so much as it is the lack of emotion. Plus most people are not content for long before either craving or boredom sets in.

So I’d maybe argue that boredom would be our default emotion.

A good way of picturing human emotion is like in the film Inside Out where you have Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger (except add on another 22 emotions like boredom, romance, sexual Desire). We each have all of these emotions but only the emotion that’s shouting the loudest at any one time is the one that’s in control.

In psychologically terms your emotions are your Id – they are your wants and desires and they want everything now, now, now. Then you have your Ego (which is very misunderstood by most people) which then controls your Id and keeps a tight automatic reign on your emotions (or in the case of a big ego a not so tight reign) and then you have your superego on top of all of that which is your more conscious control. An individual’s personality is how their Id, Ego and Superego are interacting.

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