Is time a construct or a manipulable/malleable thing.


Is time a construct or a manipulable/malleable thing.

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3 Answers

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Time’s an inseparable aspect of reality. We know this because it is measurable, and furthermore because it changes under certain circumstances, although with our current technology we don’t have the ability to manipulate it.

Time dilates (changes rate) based on two factors – velocity and gravity. As your speed approaches the speed of light, the time you perceive slows down significantly. For instance, let’s say you travel to Alpha Centauri and back at 99% of the speed of light. You perceive this trip as taking 8 years. But when you get back to Earth, you find that decades have passed.

The same happens with gravity. Higher gravity slows time down. For instance, the satellites in high earth orbit have clocks that tick just a little bit faster than the clocks on earth because they experience a little less gravity.

This is all predicted by the theories of relativity, which presents the concept of relative motion and perception.

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