Is zero a number or the absence of a number?


I have looked at several different articles/explanations but they either have contradictory statements or they use esoteric language that I cant wrap my head around. pls help

In: Mathematics

15 Answers

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From a programmer perspective zero is a number: for example if you have 1+0 the result will still be a number.
But if you have 1+NaN(not a number) the results will be NaN.

From a mathematical point of view 0 is also a number, because it respect all the requirements to be one.
You know exactly where to find 0, you can use 0 in operations and 0 is a valid result.

But let’s think that 0 is not a number for a second.
If you have the equation x=1-1
I would say that x=0 but if 0 is just the absence of a number, I should probably say that x does not have a value

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